Rebecca Reid

Dec 23, 20225 min

#051: The Secrets of Legato Singing: Techniques and Exercises to Improve Your Skills

Updated: Apr 27

Legato singing is a key aspect of singing technique that can help create a smooth, seamless sound.

In legato singing, the notes are connected to one another without any breaks or interruptions, creating a flowing and consistent sound.

Mastering legato singing can help singers improve their musical expression and communicate their emotions more effectively.

In this blog post, we'll explore the techniques and exercises that can help singers improve their legato singing skills.

We'll cover everything from basic techniques for maintaining an even tone and volume to advanced exercises for smooth transitions between notes.

We'll also discuss common challenges that singers may face when attempting to sing legato and offer tips for overcoming them.

Whether you're a beginner just starting to explore legato singing or an experienced singer looking to improve your skills, this blog post will provide you with valuable insights and tools to take your singing to the next level.

So let's dive in and discover the secrets of legato singing!

Techniques for Legato Singing

To achieve a smooth and flowing legato sound, singers need to focus on several key techniques.

Here are some of the most important techniques for legato singing:

  1. Breath Control and Support: Breath control and support are key for legato singing. To sing legato, you need to have a steady and consistent airflow, which requires excellent breath control. Support your breath by engaging your core muscles and diaphragm to maintain steady pressure, allowing you to sing with control and consistency.

  2. Tone and Volume: To sing legato, it's important to maintain an even tone and volume. Avoid sudden changes in volume or tone that can interrupt the smoothness of your singing. Focus on maintaining a consistent sound by keeping your jaw relaxed, allowing your voice to resonate freely.

  3. Connecting Notes Smoothly: One of the essential techniques for legato singing is connecting notes smoothly. To do this, you can use a slight overlap between notes or focus on sustaining the end of one note and the beginning of the next to create a seamless connection.

Overall, legato singing requires a focus on steady breath control, even tone and volume, and smooth note transitions.

With practice and focus, these techniques can help you achieve a beautiful and expressive legato sound in your singing.

Exercises to Improve Legato Singing

To improve your legato singing skills, you need to practice exercises that will help you develop the necessary techniques.

Here are some exercises that can help you improve your legato singing:

  1. Breath Control Exercises: Practicing breathing exercises can help improve your breath control and support. Try breathing in slowly and steadily, filling your lungs to their maximum capacity, then release the air in a smooth and controlled manner. You can also try using a metronome to regulate your breathing and ensure that it remains steady.

  2. Vocal Warm-ups: Arpeggio and scales can help prepare your voice for legato singing. Try arpeggio and scales in the middle voice to warm up your voice, and then gradually increase the pitch and volume as you get more comfortable.

  3. Smooth Transitions Between Notes: To improve your legato singing, practice exercises that focus on creating smooth transitions between notes. Try singing scales or arpeggios, focusing on connecting the notes as smoothly as possible. You can also practice singing a series of short phrases, making sure to connect each phrase seamlessly to the next.

Consistent practice is essential for improving your legato singing.

To build your legato skills, try practicing slowly and deliberately, paying close attention to each note and transition.

You can also practice singing along with recordings of professional singers, focusing on their smooth and flowing legato sound.

By practicing these exercises and tips regularly, you can improve your breath control, vocal agility, and overall legato singing technique.

With time and dedication, you'll be able to achieve a beautiful and expressive legato sound in your singing.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

While legato singing can create a beautiful and flowing sound, there are several challenges that singers may encounter.

Here are some of the most common challenges and how to overcome them:

  1. Dealing with Vocal Breaks or Cracks: Vocal breaks or cracks can interrupt the smoothness of your legato singing. To overcome this challenge, focus on developing a consistent and even tone throughout your vocal range. Try practicing scales or arpeggios, paying close attention to the transitions between notes in your vocal range.

  2. Issues with Pitch Accuracy: Pitch accuracy is important for legato singing. To address issues with pitch accuracy, focus on practicing intervals and paying close attention to the tuning of each note. You can also practice singing along with a piano or other instrument to help train your ear.

  3. Managing Phrasing and Expression While Maintaining Legato: Maintaining phrasing and expression while singing legato can be challenging. To overcome this challenge, practice singing with a wide range of dynamics, exploring the full range of expression in your voice. Focus on connecting the notes smoothly while also conveying the emotional content of the song.

Overall, legato singing requires a balance of technical skill and musical expression.

By focusing on overcoming these common challenges, singers can improve their legato singing and create a smooth, expressive sound.

Remember to practice consistently and seek feedback from a singing teacher to help you continue improving your technique.

Legato singing can create a beautiful and expressive sound, but it requires practice and dedication to master.

In this post, we've explored some of the key techniques and exercises that can help improve your legato singing skills.

Let's recap some of the key takeaways:

  • Focus on breath control and support to maintain an even tone and volume.

  • Use techniques like legato phrasing, portamento, and appoggiatura to connect notes smoothly.

  • Practice exercises like breathing exercises, arpeggios and scales to improve your legato technique.

  • Overcome common challenges like vocal breaks or cracks, issues with pitch accuracy, and managing phrasing and expression while maintaining legato.

Remember that legato singing requires a balance of technical skill and musical expression.

While the exercises and techniques outlined in this post can help you improve your legato singing, it's important to continue practicing consistently and seeking feedback from a singing technique to help you refine your technique.

I encourage you to continue practicing and improving your legato singing skills.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced singer, there's always room for improvement.

By continuing to practice and refine your singing technique, you can take your legato singing to the next level and create a beautiful, expressive sound.

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* Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional or medical advice. Singers and professional voice users should always consult with qualified professionals, such as singing teachers or medical practitioners before making any decisions or taking any actions related to their vocal health and wellbeing.

Further Reading

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